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Efficiency In The Era Of Technology 
In this beautiful world, man has travelled a long way in almost all walks of life. If we look at the journey of a man, it's really amazing. For his smooth and comfortable livelihood, human being made everything in nature an instrument for his well being,...
Effective tips to plan retirement wisely
Retirement is viewed as relaxation as well as worrying period of life. It is very important for people to make wise plans before retirement to leave post retirement peacefully. In order to maintain financial liberation and healthy lifestyle in post-retirement,...
Procedure for getting marriage certificate in India
A marriage certificate is an official statement to declare that that two people are married and live together legally. A Marriage Certificate is the proof of registration of a marriage and it is the official record that two people have undertaken a marriage ceremony...
Swachh Bharat - Mission in Action
Let us fulfill Mahatma Gandhi's unfulfilled dream of clean India.Prime Minister Narendra Modi's energetic initiative to clean up India is well received by all sections of the society.To clean India we don't only need brooms but we need a heart to feel, a mind to conceive and a hand to work.
Elephanta Caves: Historical Significance
The Elephanta Caves are symbol of rich Indian historical architecture. These caves are sited in Western India on Elephanta Island which characterizes two small hills separated by a thin valley. The small island is scattered with several primordial archaeological remains that are the single testimonies to its rich civilizing past. These archaeological remnants represent evidence of occupation from as early as the 2nd century BC.
The wheel of Retailing – A dialectic process
The wheel of retailing-The dialectic process-A Natural Selection:
Retail Management from traditional to modern retailing has travelled a long and interesting journey. It has reached the top of consumer pyramid by gradually making shopping a pleasant and favorite time pass for most of the present generation consumers.
Safety issues for teenagers and adults using social media
Social media is most easiest and trendy way to expand network in today's busiest environment. Teenagers are fond of making new friends and adding those friends on social network sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn. Social networking sites are good platform for teens to expand and enhance their connection to those friends.
A Curator of Paddy Seeds
There are so many facts that the successive Indian government has hidden from its citizens and one such is the publication of the Sunderlal report that probed the Hyderabad communal flare up, soon after the military action against India's largest Muslim Princely state in 1948.
Problem of Alcoholism Riding a Tiger in Tamil Nadu
Alcoholism is becoming widespread problem in the Indian society and Tamil Nadu is no exception. The age of first exposure to alcohol in the state has dropped to 15 years. Added concern is the increasing numbers of women specially girls becoming addicted to alcohol. This trend is causing socio-economic problems but little is being done to arrest this social trend.
Securing drinking water in Maharashtra villages
Maharashtra until recently was reeling under a drought situation the worst in the last 40 years. The state declared drought in 125 out of 358 talukas during kharif 2012, followed by declaring water scarcity in 3,905 villages in Rabi 2012-13.
History of Valentine´s Day
Every year the 14th of February is celebrated as a day of romantic commemoration by millions of couples across the world by presenting their loved ones with gifts, candy, flowers and lots of love. On this day you will find in many countries, restaurants and eateries being filled with couples who are eager to celebrate their relationship and experience the joy of their togetherness.
Originality in Films
Earlier at Lunch today, a friend of mine asked me - Who do you think is the director with the most original ideas today? I dropped my spoon. You see I have always had answers ready. I thought I could answer them all - Why did Slum dog bag the Oscars? Why our movies still need songs and dancing? Why is Rajnikanth, well Rajnikanth? I studied to be a lawyer by choice
Parents as Coaches
From : Bharathi
Ask any student, artist or an achiever in any field, who is their coach or guru? Pat comes the reply. My mom or dad is my best coach or a mentor. It's true, the world's hardest acquired jewel is being the finest mom or dad. The toughest job is parenting a teenager.
Co- Education- to be or not to be
From : Nasreen Fatima
Coeducation builds confidence in a person and makes him/her a more complete person to live in a real world. Another reason for co-education is that a person's moral values are built at home, thus neither co-education nor same-sex education plays any part in damaging or improving these values.
From : Bharathi
Leave a customer disappointed in the retail store he will share with 50 people. Leave the customer disappointed in e-tail world he will tell 50,000 people, stated by Jeff bezos.This is the impact of positive are negative campaigning in the E retailing.
Co- Education- to be or not to be
From : Bharathi
We are living in the world of liberalization, globalization. Information and universal cultures are all pervading. With satellite and virtual world around us there is no need for a debate on co- education system. Unanimously the answer for such question is, we cannot the restrict freedom. All we can do is to grind in the proper human values with right and the wrong, good and the bad, ethical and unethical.
Beauty Article
From : Bharathi
f beauty is love, express it.
If beauty is labour, enjoy it.
If beauty is life, embrace it.
Physical attractions go a long way to define and refine beauty.
Beauty is in dress, jewellery, make-up, makeover and a lot more. An important party adds more to costume, colours and all other accessories.
Let's Not Harm - Give An Arm
From : Bharathi
Disability and Persons with Disabilities or differently abled persons for this statement are as defined in the Person with disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 and any other statute enacted for the welfare of Persons with Disabilities.
Does India need to prepare to fight the Taliban?
From : Timi
Clearly, India must prepare for the day. Terrorism is 'spreading' in Pakistan and India is prepared to meet any challenge from Taliban militants.
Need Of A Counsellor In Schools
From : Bharathi Kaza
Today's teachers, students and the parents are equally pressurized with the media, films and other societal influence on the families. We are unable to keep these sources distinctly away from the four walls of the house. So it is increasingly difficult for the parents or the school authorities to discipline the child.
The Voice Of A Pet Dog
From : Bharathi Kaza
My dear Master, I know I cannot talk. But why do you fail to understand that I too can think and feel. My inability to talk is not my deficiency. That is how I am sent into this world. But can you believe, I can understand your human language. Whenever there is a guest you are at your best, sharing pleasantries. You do not at least take me for a stroll.
Grow and Save Trees
From : Niti Sharma
A tree has feelings. It responds when hurt, Blooms and glooms when fed with manure and water but its heart break when neglected or more importantly being cut by man for its personal use.
Act Now To Save Environment
From : Niti Sharma
The celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd began in the United States in 1970. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson. It is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. Earth Day, a day dedicated to the environmental health of our planet. Activities intended to improve the environment also take place.
Etiquetee Cab
From : Bharathi Kaza
A party, an event and a get-together. Each one is an occasion to put forth a message. It is to celebrate or strengthen some purpose. The purpose of the occasion is served when both the invitee and the invited understand the code of conduct. Social gatherings are planned occasions, which help in strengthening social relations and make our presence felt.
Aerated Drink
From : Bharathi Kaza
Health Drinks Rocha's three-year-old Atul is longing to have a coke every time he is thirsty. In the beginning Richa was very glad that her little one has a liking for a particular taste. Slowly when she realised that in place of plain water, Atul preferred a coke, she was worried.
Positive Approach Towards Exams
From : Bharathi Kaza
Confidence is key for creating success. What is success? The ability to do our work successfully. So students, It's not 100%, or 90%, or 40% marks you achieve on your exams which make you a success.
A Great King But- An Unsuccessful Father
From : Bharathi Kaza
You all would listen to Your Parents. All of you are Papas pets. What Ever your Parents tell you, is Music To Your Ears? Your favourite song Papa kahete hai bada naam karegaa. Beta hamaara bada kaam karegaa But when I do the same to my son, you call me cruel.
What Next
From : Bharathi Kaza
Right from the day an individual appears on this earth, the struggle for existence begins. In fact, the struggle for existence begins much much before we realise and understand the worldly situations. We live most of our life as a child in the womb, infant, child, adolescent and finally grow up as youth. The struggle started as a child in the womb and continues even as we grow up
Love Poem - A Mountain of Assurance
From : Jayantika Soni
I climbed a mountain
the mountain had hard rocks, deep troughs
A trough was waiting for me to fall
I struggled a lot
She's My Motherland
From : Divya Sri.K
She let millions live on her land, Teaching them to walk hand in hand.
People who came across, Said she brings in fame, but never loss.
The kind heart of this 'Great Mother' Is as soft as a feather.
Thousands invaded her land, But couldn't even take a hand full of sand.
She showed us the great Himalayan rock, And said life isn't a cakewalk.
The found Arunachal towards East
Women in The Globalized Indian Economy
From : JP Bharathi
In the globalized market the opportunities available have tremendously increased. A person living in any remote area has access to almost any part of the country and the world at large. The casual and interesting hobbies, which an individual developed in her child hood, can be tactfully converted to be a business opportunity
Salute to Great Souls
From : JP Bharathi
India a country, a land of penance, a land of righteous people, a land of karma, a land of dharma, and a land of religions has so much to tell this world. Each great personality born on this punya bhoomi have done such remarkable things, which last for millions of years to come. Knowing and learning about these great men, are the greatest moral lessons of the world. Amongst our great leaders,
Leadership Development Assumptions about Leadership
From : JP Bharathi
Leadership Development Assumptions about Leadership Leadership is about providing a strong situational response to changing realities and is therefore essentially an improvisational art. The need for leadership springs from the one constant reality that the world around us changes all the time. Changing times and circumstances require different responses to the realities.
Complex Problem
From : Bharathi Kaza
Sonu's parents had tough time convincing him to attend a party. They are more worried as he never pins down on any specific reason for his indifference. Ritu has a sweet voice. She is reluctant participating in music programmes. What is holding her back?
Benefits Of Private Computer Education
From : Bharathi Kaza
I want to post an article bharathi BENEFITS OF PRIVATE COMPUTER EDUCATION Education! There are universities, autonomous bodies, institutions both government and private which are offering best education. Initially the authority and capacity of training an individual into a prefect person was vested in hands of the Universities. But then those were the days when university knew what to offer
Homework problem for Teenagers
From : Ragini Sinha
Homework is burdensome for many teenagers. They always request teachers to limit the homework. But teacher's duty is to impart good education and prepare high professionals in their college. Excess homework is a part an education system that is important for deep knowledge
Probable Causes of Divorce
From : Ragini Sinha
Some marital relationships are not successful. In or society, few marriages end in divorce. There are many reasons for it. Divorce may be due to physical or sexual abuse, harmful addictions, or criminal acts. In criminal cases, divorce may be needed to defend the spouse and children. Some of divorces are by preference. The husband, the wife or both are discontented.
Population Explosion is Growing Concern in India
From : Ragini Sinha
India is facing intense problem of population outburst. People are experiencing the crisis such as climate change, shortage of food and also severe energy crisis that are all related to the ever-increasing population. Our civilization is being squeezed between rising population densities. It can be said that if such trends continue, there will be a severe shortage of food supply
Effective Tips for Taking Examination
From : Ragini Sinha
Some students have intense examination stress. They have a fear that they will fail in examination. Due to this fear, they usually do not prepare well for examination even though they can perform better. Some students relax while taking exams. The period of examination is not a complicated issue for these students.
How to lead successful Student Life
From : Ragini Sinha
Student life is said to be a best period for any person. There are many ways by which students can be successful in their student life. Many professors recommend that goal setting should be a regular mental exercise. This enhances chance for success in academic career. Success depends on numerous factors no matter which school or college they joined.
School Sports are Energizer for Teenage Development
From : Ragini Sinha
School sports are good for young students such as scholastic ability. Inn college life, students sometimes suffer from anxiety, shyness and psychological problems. Such mental state is not a good sign for a teenager to begin high school education. Students must engage in sport activities such as they may be a member of basketball team, football team or cricket and play with intense spirit
Strong bonding between Father and Daughter
From : Ragini Sinha
Fathers and daughter relationship is a holy relationship in family. Fathers have great influence on their daughter's lives. But it has been observed in many cultures that girls are ignored as fathers develop special bonds with their sons. Fathers are the first male figure in the life of daughter and the relationship with him sets the tendency for all male-female relationships she will have in the future.
Individual a Resource
From : Ms Bharathi Kaza
Individual a Resource, Research Centre Why dwell elsewhere when every thing lies within us? We come across varied people in our every day life. There is lot to know, understand and learn from every one. But we don't. Why? Because, - we are hooked for a purpose. We are out for a job. May be because our time is measured. Measured with the yardstick of money.
Youth Friendship
From : Ms Bharathi Kaza
Friendship is an art and very few people are born with a natural gift for it. Friendship is beautiful as a rose and wonderful as an adventure. We look at everything on the earth with a touch of beauty when we have a right kind of friend.
Why we should all love Sonia Gandhi and respect her
From : Webmaster
The very fact that 1 billion people were not put to shame because of a person of foreign origin becoming the Prime Minister of India is the most valid reason why we should all love Sonia Gandhi. But there is more to Sonia Gandhi.
Effect Of Social Phobia
From : Ragini Sinha
The major dilemma with people in any society is social phobia. All of us have to make great efforts to resolve it. Many times, people with social anxiety simply must be unaccompanied with door closed behind them. A person with social anxiety may feel over whelmed and have a feeling that others are observing their movement. One of the most horrible circumstances is meeting people who are influential personality.
Children's role in reducing family tension
From : Ragini Sinha
Children may share a lot to ease family hypertension. Children can solve many difficult problem and help in reducing stress. Generally, people feels that kids are innocent, delicate and can not understand the severe problems.
Children increase their knowledge from social atmosphere
From : Ragini Sinha
Human beings learn in every stage of life. Learning is basically the act of gaining of knowledge and the processing of that knowledge into memory. Children's mind is just a blank in which he writes up everything that happens around them.
Arranged marriage is an integral part of Indian culture
From : Ragini Sinha
An arranged marriage is a wedding arranged by parents or elder members of the family in to avoid the process of courtship. In India, arranged marriages are an important ceremony society for centuries and even today couples fix their marriage with the consent of their parents and other respected family members.
Colors reflect Personality
From : Ragini Sinha
Colors have great significance in individual's life. Every human being has distinctive fondness. People select colors that make them feel soothing and comfortable. Tints and shades of color we choose reveal our personality on any platform.
Strong Family Relationship Makes Healthy Society
From : Ragini Sinha
A family in any society consists of an inherited group of people who are related with by birth or marriage. It is a relation between parents and children, relations between spouses or between grand parents and grandson.
Divorce is not the solution of Marital Conflict
From : Ragini Sinha
Clashes among married couples are quite common. Any misapprehension can be solved through discussion or taking counseling from marriage counselor. One should never take hard steps of divorce.
Co-education - To be or not to be!
From : Webmaster's
Time was when most parents cringed at the thought of sending their children to co-ed schools and colleges and there are some who do so even today. It is for these parents and educationists that I write this article.
33% Quota for Women
From : Webmaster
A 33% quota for women has been a much debated issue and very little positive action has been taken towards its implementation. Seeing the unwillingness of parties to actually go ahead and implement it, the Election Commission has proposed to give 33% of the nominations to women in the parliamentary elections.
Why we sympathise with Pakistan
From : Webmaster
More and more Indians are beginning to pity Pakistan rather than hate it. Time was when anything Pakistani was hateful and we saw nothing but the enemy in our neighbour.
Television violence hampers Mental Growth
From : Ragini Sinha
Child's mind is very sensitive. He learns a lot from nature and his surroundings. It is necessary to gather good knowledge from various sources to make healthy brain. Television is a central media for entertainment as well as developing personality.
Chacha Nehru And Children
From : Barnali Chowdhury
In the year 1889 that's exactly hundred and seventeen years ago, on this day of 14th November, was born the scion of the Nehru family, who later on rose to become the first Prime Minister of Independent India. His great love for the roses as well as the children made him popular as Chacha Nehru. In them (the children) he (Nehru) searched for the strength of the country and the foundation of society.
Child Marriage in India
From : Yuman Azad
Child Marriage is still prevalent on a large scale in various states of India. This fact is known to all but caught everybody's attention by the brutal attack on an anganwadi worker Shakuntala Verma who dared to stop ...
Adolescent Reproductive And Sexual Health
From : Yuman Azad
Adolescents are distinct population group with particular needs and capacities. Their numbers have steadily increased in last few decades. More than 1 billion young people are between the ages of 15 to 24 years majority being in