More and more Indians are beginning to pity Pakistan rather than hate it. Time was when anything Pakistani was hateful and we saw nothing but the enemy in our neighbour. With growing terrorism in Pakistan, and the realisation that every blast in India is not propagated by the Pakistanis, we have not only learnt to find enemies within but also realized that Pakistan is actually not a powerful enemy but a pitiable half brother. A poor cousin that can do nothing more to harm us and would do better to use its resources in protecting itself.
With the death of Benazir this feeling has only strengthened. Even though the Bhutto family has not really done much in favour of India our sympathies lie with this firebrand Bhutto who could have brought back much needed democracy to this ailing nation. With things back home pretty much under control [even though at times we very much doubt it is], we have enough emotions to spare for the not so loved relative of ours.
Perhaps many of us empathize with the travails of Pakistan because many things are common between the nations. The recent example being that of Bilawal, who was named the successor of Bhutto. So very much like the Nehru Gandhi family back home. Mr. Bhutto served with Mrs Gandhi, Ms Bhutto served with Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, Zardari shall look after the party as Sonia looks after the congress so that scions of the PPP and the Congress take over in future. Indeed the two nations are separated at birth.
In India Democracy is tangled with Dynasty and in Pakistan Military Rule is entangled with Dynasty. In short the [dy]nasty remains. After all the Indian subcontinent was the land of Maharajas and we have our culture and traditions to protect.
From : Webmaster
2nd Jan ' 08
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