A party, an event and a get-together. Each one is an occasion to put forth a message. It is to celebrate or strengthen some purpose. The purpose of the occasion is served when both the invitee and the invited understand the code of conduct. Social gatherings are planned occasions, which help in strengthening social relations and make our presence felt. No doubt every party and a gathering are to enliven us and remain as pleasant memories to both host and the guest. Etiquette is the right protocol to maintain when two people meet. One needs to be adaptive to the body of theories and techniques.
The behaviour should be in tune with the unifying philosophy. One is supposed to understand the human behaviour and try to develop autonomy and community at the same time. There are certain untold, unworded and unexpressed, yet imposed levels of behaviours, which become mandatory. As we understand the social behaviours, we tune ourselves with them being mandatory. But there are experts and professionals who are highly capable of moulding an individual towards these social behaviours.
Social behaviour to maintain decorum can be smartly addressed as Etiquette. Man is a social animal. He mingles and associates himself with various people at innumerable occasions. As the occasion changes his behaviour needs a change. For instance it can be a small party, marriage, official gathering or a ceremony of an unpleasant happening. One is expected to be at his best or in reasonable behaviour.
In today's world one should be dynamic, but to what extent diplomatic! Every one from the CEO of the company to down line subordinate has to be best at his communication skills. Can I say CAB (Communication At Best) is the best strategy to conquer the world? Certain words are for our smooth working in everyday life like 'Thank you', 'Please', 'I am sorry', 'excellent', 'You're Welcome'. Won't these be appropriate when used with a sense of feeling from the bottom of your heart? There is nothing wrong to offer an apology when we are at wrong. Let us say 'sorry', 'pardon me', 'Please' with sincerity. None can turn you down. Try these words and they work like magic! Altogether with dress code, mannerisms, decorum and communication collectively coined as Etiquette - don't we look gracious? Can one be ever denied! In the world of e-Learning, e-Banking, e-Commerce let us add one more 'e' ('e' for Etiquette) in our lives, that is e - Living. Yes! e- Living is sure to carry us towards unimaginable elevations.
From : JP Bharathi Kaza
21 th April ' 09
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