Bengali Baby Boy Names Starting with D

Here is a list of Bengali baby boy names starting with D. We have listed boy names starting with D on this page. If we have omitted any names that you know of please send it to us with its meaning.

These names have been taken from secondary sources and could be wrongly projected, therefore please recheck with friends and your family members before naming your child.

Bengali baby Girl Names

Bengali Baby Boy Names

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |Q |R | S | T | U | V | W | X |Y | Z

Bengali Baby Boy Names Starting with- D

Name Gender Meaning
Debraj boyKing
Deep boyLight; The lamp of light
Deepak boyLamp; Light
Deepankar; Dipankarboy One who lights lamps
Deependra; Dipendra boyLord of lights
Deependu boyBright Moon
Deepesh; Dipesh boyLord of light
Deeptendu; Diptendu boyBright Moon
Deeptimoy; Deeptimay boyLustrous
Dev Kumar; Devakumar boySon of God
Devadas; Devdas boyFollower of God; A famous Bengali Novel
Deveedaas; Devidaas; Devidas boyServant of the god
Devendranath boyLord of the king of gods
Devesh boyLord Shiva
Deviprasad; Deveeprasad boyBlessing of the goddess
Dhir boyWise
Dhirendra; Dheerendra; Dheerandraboy Lord of the brave; Couragious
Dhirendroboy Lord of courage
DhurjatiboyThe Pivotal Ascetic; Lord Shiva
DibyenduboyLight of Moon
Diganta boySky
Dilip boyA King
Dinabandhu boyFriend of the poor
Dinesh boyThe lord of the day; The sun
Dipen boyLord of the lamp
Divyendu boyThe moon
Dwarka Nath; Dwarkanath boyLord of the gateway; Lord of Dwaraka
Dwarka; Dwarakaa; Dwaraka boyGateway; Capital of Lord Krishna's kingdom
Dwijendra boyMoon; King of Brahmins
Dwijendralal boyBeloved King of Brahmins; Beloved moon
Dwijendranath boyLord of the moon
Dwijesh boyLord of Brahmins
Deb boyDivinity
Debabrata boyName of Bhismha
Debashish; Debashis boyPleased by gods; Benediction of god; Blessing of god
Debendra boySky God
Debendranath boyLord of the sky
Debesh boyPleased by Gods

Please comment on the above names. Please point out any errors & also please tell us how common / unique these bengali baby boy names are