Here is a list of some of the popular websites in India that are also useful for you in various categories.
We hope with our list of these not so well known Popular Websites of Indiaguides you. We have not only helped you but also given you a fair idea of what people are doing online.
Some of these website maybe known to you and some may not be but they are indeed great in their category. We have omitted some of the obvious top websites as all of you already know about them like,,,, etc.
Indian Railways
For Train details and bookings. - Job search made easy. Also feature for getting noticed easily. If you are a small time employer you will be very glad with all the features.
Free Ads Posting India
For posting your ads and more than that to look for genuine ads so you may buy sell or rent.
Free Greetings Cards Download
Greeting cards for every occasion and very Indian in spirit.
A gift portal with a twist
For helping your friends shop for you. Choose from listed products or post link of product you like.
Find Jobs in the Film Industry
Hire Actors / Technicians / Services For your Project.
Multispeciality hospital
Multispeciality hospital in the heart of Chennai with world class facilities at a reasonalble price.
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd.
Find addresses and phone numbers of friends.
Resources for civil services aspirants in India for the Civil Service exams conducted by the UPSC.
Tented Resort in the wilderness
Its a one of a kind resort near the Kanha National park.